Fylgja Props Builder

The Fylgja Props Builder simplifies the creation of Design Tokens (CSS custom properties) by converting JavaScript objects into CSS variables or JSON-based token systems.

This tool empowers you to construct comprehensive Design Token sets with ease.


Originally developed for the Fylgja Tokens package, this utility is also adaptable for use with other design systems.


You can install Fylgja Props Builder via npm or other Node-based package managers like pnpm or bun:

npm install @fylgja/props-builder


Import the propsBuilder function into your Node.js scripts:

import { propsBuilder } from "../index.js";

Then, use it to generate output files based on your configuration:

import { propsBuilder } from "../index.js";

	props, // Required: JavaScript object containing your design tokens.
    filename, // Required: Name of the output file.
        parseAs: "auto", // Optional: Specifies the output format ("auto", "css", "json"). Defaults to "auto" (determined by file extension).
        writeToFile: true, // Optional: If false, outputs the generated content to the console. Defaults to true.
        selector: ":where(:root)", // Optional: CSS selector for custom property declarations (CSS output only).
        wrapper: "", // Optional: Wrapper for design system-specific formatting (e.g., Figma).

For basic usage, only the props and filename arguments are necessary.

The optional parameters provide flexibility for advanced scenarios.

import { propsBuilder } from "../index.js";

		color: {
			red: "#f00",
			green: "#0f0",
			blue: "#00f",

This will generate output.css with the following content:

:where(:root) {
	--color-red: #f00;
	--color-green: #0f0;
	--color-blue: #00f;

This example demonstrates a simple use case, but the Props Builder can handle complex and nested design token structures, facilitating the creation of robust and scalable design systems.