Fylgja Utilities

Fylgja Utilities offers a focused collection of production-ready CSS utilities.

Designed for direct use without a build step, each utility is carefully selected for practical application.

Fylgja Utilities integrates seamlessly as a standalone solution or alongside other utility frameworks like Tailwind CSS and UnoCSS.


You can install Fylgja Utilities via npm or other Node-based package managers like pnpm or bun:

npm install @fylgja/utilities

Alternatively, you can use it directly via a CDN:

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fylgja/utilities/index.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


Once installed, you can import the full package with:

@import "@fylgja/utilities";

Alternatively, if you only need specific parts of the utilities.

You can import any utility mentioned below, using:

@import "@fylgja/utilities/{UTILITY_NAME}";

align • auto-grid • clip • container • content-lazy • display • divide • flex • flow • gap • gradient • grid-cols • line-clamp • list • overlay • position • rounded • scroll • scrollbar • size • snap • spacing • sr-only • stack • stretched-link • toggle • transition • truncate • typography



Effortlessly align content along both the Y and X axes for flex and grid layouts, and also for flow layouts. This utility leverages Dynamic CSS Utilities.

Align Center

Auto Grid

Create responsive grid layouts that automatically generate columns based on the configured --max-col-size.



Hide overflowing content with ease. Use clip for all sides, or target specific axes with clip-y and clip-x.


The standard way to center content and apply a maximum width, often referred to as a wrapper.

Content Lazy

Implement lazy loading for sections of your page using content-lazy. Adjust the initial size with the content-size variable.


Quickly set the display property of an element.

hiddendisplay: none
blockdisplay: block
inline-blockdisplay: inline flow-root
flexdisplay: flex
inline-flexdisplay: inline flex
griddisplay: grid
inline-griddisplay: inline grid
table-celldisplay: table-cell
open:{DISPLAY}Open modifier for dialogs and popovers
{sm,md,lg,xl,xxl}:{DISPLAY}Apply display styles at specific breakpoints (sm, md, lg, xl, and xxl)


The divide utility offers enhanced control over dividers, going beyond basic implementations.

Fylgja provides both divide-y and divide-x, which seamlessly integrate with your border utilities, eliminating the need for preset values.

Additionally, introduce divide-gap-y and divide-gap-x to add flow-based spacing between your dividers, providing greater flexibility in layout gaps.

  • A better way to
  • handle divides
  • and supports a gaps to!


Convenient shorthands for display: flex, including options for direction and wrapping. Utilize flex-col and flex-wrap, which are Dynamic CSS Utilities and can be customized with CSS variables.


While Fylgja’s base styles often include flow spacing, the flow utility allows you to explicitly force a new flow with flow or remove any flow with flow-none.


Easily set gaps for Grid, Flex, or Column layouts.


Provides three helpful utilities for applying border, background, and text gradients, all customizable with CSS variables.

Grid Cols

Simplified way to set up grid layouts with columns using grid-cols.

You can modify the column configuration using CSS variables, following the Dynamic CSS Utility pattern.

Also includes grid-flow, ideal for creating a row of columns for sliders, and is compatible with the gap utility for consistent column spacing.

Line Clamp

Limit the number of lines in your paragraphs to prevent text overflow.


Offers the list-none utility, useful for removing default list markers, especially if you are not using Fylgja’s base styles or when customizing HTML <details> elements.


Adds a subtle overlay shadow to an element, often effective in combination with the stack utility.



Set the position property with common default values. Each position can be further customized with CSS variables.

relativeSets position: relative
stickySets position: sticky
absoluteSets position: absolute
fixedSets position: fixed


A set of straightforward border radius utilities:

  • rounded: Applies a standard border radius.
  • rounded-conditional: Applies a border radius, but removes it if the element’s size matches the page or container.
  • rounded-none: Removes any border radius.
  • rounded-inherit: Inherits the border radius from the parent.
  • round: Creates a perfectly round element.


Enable scrollable overflow on the X or Y axis with scroll-x and scroll-y.


Customize the appearance of the scrollbar, including hiding it or making it small.


Convenient shorthands for setting width and height using Dynamic CSS Utilities. Includes w-full, h-full, max-w-full, and max-h-full.

For more detailed sizing options, refer to the Spacing utilities.


Easily create interactive sliders. This utility works best in conjunction with other layout utilities like Grid Cols.

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow
    class="snap scroll-x grid-cols grid-flow gap"
    style="--sm_grid-cols: 2; --md_grid-cols: 3"
    ... slides


Dynamic CSS Utilities for quickly setting padding and margin on an element.

You don’t need a specific class to use these Dynamic CSS Utilities; simply set the style with: --size-y, --size-x, --my, --mx, --py, and --px along with a valid CSS unit to apply the styles.

The power of Dynamic CSS Utilities extends to breakpoint customization. For example, set a different margin for the md breakpoint using --md_my: 1rem.

Screen Reader Only

Visually hide an element from the page while keeping it accessible for screen readers.

Similar to the display utility, you can apply breakpoint-specific styles, e.g., sm:sr-only.


Effortlessly stack multiple elements on top of each other without the need for manual positioning.

Make any element fully clickable without breaking link semantics. Use it with a relative class on the parent element to define the clickable area.


Create interactive toggle states for elements like <details> using the toggle utility.

Click Me!
Hello there.
I will Rotate when toggling!
Hello there.
I will Hide when toggled! I will Show when toggled!
Hello there.


Quickly add smooth transitions to elements using transition, transition-display, or transition-color. Also supports discrete transitions.


Truncate text to a specified number of lines.


Convenient shorthands for common text styles:

  • text-start: Align text to the left.
  • text-end: Align text to the right.
  • text-center: Center text alignment.
  • italic: Apply italic styling.
  • not-italic: Remove italic styling.