
Table of Contents

The Button component serves as an interactive element. To call your users to an action.

Since not all buttons need to be an Call To Action.

The base button is as simple as possible and many styles can be build on top of this foundation.


npm install @fylgja/button

Then include the component in to your code via;

@use "@fylgja/button";
// Or via PostCSS import
@import "@fylgja/button";

@layer support

If you need support for @layer, use the following import;

@use "@fylgja/button" with ($button-layer: "components");
// Or via PostCSS and other options as native CSS
@import "@fylgja/button" layer(components);

Native Elements (Classless)

If you want to use the button styles directly on the button element, use the following import;

@use "@fylgja/button" with ($enable-native-btn: true);
// Or via PostCSS and other options as native CSS
@import "@fylgja/button/native";

How to use

In your html you only need the .btn class to use the button style.

<button class="btn">Button</button>
<a href="#link" class="btn">Button as Link</a>

The buttons component is by default is blank with a soft hover and active color.

Based on the root-fg color, which is black by default.

Besides that, the buttons component also comes with a lot of CSS variables,

which allow easier construction of specific button styles via a modifier class.

Variable classes

By default we also offer some base default variable class, that can be disabled via de SCSS variables if needed.

<a href="#link" class="btn -theme">Button Theme</a>
<a href="#link" class="btn -outline">Button Outline</a>
<a href="#link" class="btn -icon"><svg width="24" height="24" fill="currentcolor"><use href="/images/socials.svg#github"></use></svg></a>
-outlinePaints the btn with an border color, using the text color
-themePaints the btn with the filled $color-theme color
-iconCreates a icon btn's with equal width and height

Besides these variable classes, we try to keep away from adding more variable classes.

As this will create to much extra CSS you will most likely never use.

State classes

The button states can be used with javascript state, through css class modifiers.

So it also ships with a class for disabled and active state;

  • Disable = .is-disabled
  • Active = .is-active


As with almost all of our components, CSS variables can be configured to add your own look/style.

Want direct control on the base styles, here are the following SCSS variables can you modify.

View SCSS variables
$enable-btn-theme: true !default;
$enable-btn-outline: true !default;
$enable-btn-icon: true !default;
$enable-native-btn: false !default;

$btn-icon-size: 2.125em !default;

$btn-padding: 0.375rem 0.8rem !default;
$btn-border-size: 1px !default;
$btn-border-style: solid !default;
$btn-radius: 4px !default;
$btn-font-size: inherit !default;
$btn-line-height: inherit !default;
$btn-font-weight: 500 !default;
$btn-transition: 0.2s linear !default;
// ADD outline-offset for v2
$btn-transition-property: (
) !default;

$btn-stroke: transparent !default;
$btn-bg: transparent !default;
$btn-color: inherit !default;

$btn-hover-stroke: transparent !default;
$btn-hover-bg: color.change($root-fg, $alpha: 0.05) !default;
$btn-hover-color: inherit !default;

$btn-focus-stroke: $btn-hover-stroke !default;
$btn-focus-bg: $btn-hover-bg !default;
$btn-focus-color: $btn-hover-color !default;

$btn-active-stroke: transparent !default;
$btn-active-bg: color.change($root-fg, $alpha: 0.2) !default;
$btn-active-color: inherit !default;

$btn-disabled-opacity: 0.7 !default;
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