Fylgja Components Overview
Browser all of what Fylgja has to offer in CSS components and add-ons
Our recommended components

The form component is super easy to use, it's a zero config module that styles all form elements directly. Allowing you to focus on the form itself.

Auto Grid
A super small grid with auto flowing behavior, based on the container size. Using a similar method to container queries.

The dialog combines 3 components in 1, it a modal by default, and with a small change it's a offcanvas, notification popup aka the snackbar.

A collection of all Fylgja tokens offered for specific design tools or frameworks.

Build and use your own CSS utility classes with Sass using the Fylgja utilpack.

Alpine Dialog
Bring the power of AlpineJs to the HTML dialog.
Native Elements
Fylgja Components that require no additional CSS classes to work

Common defaults to make your body and typography look good and easy to change to your needs.

The control component styles the default `input[radio]` and `input[checkbox]`, allowing an easier control on the style of both these elements.

The form component is super easy to use, it's a zero config module that styles all form elements directly. Allowing you to focus on the form itself.

The dialog combines 3 components in 1, it a modal by default, and with a small change it's a offcanvas, notification popup aka the snackbar.

The Code component is a extension component on the base component.

The details component enhances the default details behavior.

The progress component is used to show progress indication in a form or somethings else.

Range component will add solid foundation for a input range slider

The table component is super easy to use, since it is a zero config module that styles the table directly. Allowing you to focus on the table it self.
CSS Utilities
Fylgja Utilities that make it easier to apply styles and spacing, using CSS classes directly in your HTML

Build and use your own CSS utility classes with Sass using the Fylgja utilpack.

The aria-only (a.k.a. sr-only) visually hides elements. But keeps it accessible to screen-readers and other aria tools.

Add gradient's with ease via the gradient utility class.

The Hashlink is a small utility component, which adds smooth scrolling to the page via CSS and a scroll offset to any element with a id.

Customize or hide the scrollbar with ease.

Make any component fully clickable via a nested link.

Add transforms with ease, with the power of CSS variables.

Add transitions with ease, with the power of CSS variables.
CSS Props (Design Tokens)
Fylgja Props (Design Tokens) that make it easier to apply styles and spacing, using CSS variables

A collection of all Fylgja tokens offered for specific design tools or frameworks.

Add a collection of prebuild colors to any project with ease, using Fylgja Colors.

The Fylgja fonts offers Design Tokens (CSS props) for consistent and semantic typography.

The Fylgja borders offers Design Tokens (CSS props) for consistent and semantic borders.

The Fylgja easing offers Design Tokens (CSS props) for consistent and semantic transitions.

Helper component for adding media query specific variables to multiple components.

The Fylgja shadow offers Design Tokens (CSS props) for consistent and semantic shadows.

The Fylgja Sizes offers Design Tokens (CSS props) for consistent and semantic sizes, in typography, spacing and general sizes.

Z Layer
The Fylgja z-layer offers Design Tokens (CSS props) for consistent and semantic z-indexing.

The Elevation component is a util package for shadows, where it offers shadows as CSS variables.
Fylgja Components that make it easier to apply layout styles

Auto Grid
A super small grid with auto flowing behavior, based on the container size. Using a similar method to container queries.

Aspect Ratio
The aspect ratio component is used to set videos to a certain responsive aspect ratio, but can also be used for images and other content.

The card component is a wrapper component. It allows you to make visual sectioned content, that is not part of the main flow.

The container component is wrapper component, to make all child elements fit better in the page.

The input group extends upon the `@fylgja/form`. By providing a wrapper that allows for more complex form field styles.

The marquee component lets you make infinite CSS sliders without any JavaScript

This CSS slider component allows you to make sliders with ease, and has no requirements to any Javascript.

The Section component is a wrapper component to show content in a sectioned area.

Flex Grid
Create a complete grid using flexbox, and only set the columns you need.
Fylgja Components that make it easier to apply navigation styles

The breadcrumbs component is a navigational aid, it allows users to maintain awareness of their location in an app or a website.

The Button component serves as an interactive element. To call your users to an action.

The menu component makes it easy to build common navigation patterns, like a navbar or menu in a dropdown.

The pagination component makes it easy to build many pagination patterns, like button only next previous nav or dots nav.

Skip Link
The aria-only (a.k.a. sr-only) visually hides elements. But keeps it accessible to screen-readers and other aria tools.
Fylgja Components that make it easier to apply typography styles

Common defaults to make your body and typography look good and easy to change to your needs.

The Code component is a extension component on the base component.

The details component enhances the default details behavior.

The list component adds more control on how you can style lists. By adding a custom marker option with full flexibility to style and animate.

Print component will add solid foundation for printing.

The table component is super easy to use, since it is a zero config module that styles the table directly. Allowing you to focus on the table it self.

Font Face
Add fonts with ease, via the font-face mixin
Fylgja Components that make it easier to apply form styles

The control component styles the default `input[radio]` and `input[checkbox]`, allowing an easier control on the style of both these elements.

The form component is super easy to use, it's a zero config module that styles all form elements directly. Allowing you to focus on the form itself.

The input group extends upon the `@fylgja/form`. By providing a wrapper that allows for more complex form field styles.

The progress component is used to show progress indication in a form or somethings else.

Range component will add solid foundation for a input range slider
Fylgja components that make it easier to apply element specific styles

The avatar component allows you to make an avatar style with ease.

The badges component serves as a small blocks to indicate notifications, or to highlight an item.

The control component styles the default `input[radio]` and `input[checkbox]`, allowing an easier control on the style of both these elements.

The dialog combines 3 components in 1, it a modal by default, and with a small change it's a offcanvas, notification popup aka the snackbar.

The Button component serves as an interactive element. To call your users to an action.

The card component is a wrapper component. It allows you to make visual sectioned content, that is not part of the main flow.

The progress component is used to show progress indication in a form or somethings else.
Add-ons and Helpers
Fylgja Plugins that improve or add extra functionality to Fylgja and/or other tools

A collection of all Fylgja tokens offered for specific design tools or frameworks.

Alpine Dialog
Bring the power of AlpineJs to the HTML dialog.

Props Builder
Build your own CSS props a.k.a Design Tokens, with ease.

Sass Extend
Adds more SCSS super power functions.

Helper component for adding theme specific SCSS variables to multiple components.

Stylelint Config
A sharable stylelint config object that enforces Fylgja's CSS rules.

Flex Grid
Create a complete grid using flexbox, and only set the columns you need.