Fylgja Base

Fylgja Base provides a streamlined starting point for any web project. It’s a collection of class-less solutions, allowing you to focus on building your site using plain HTML or your preferred frontend language, without the need to add any additional classes.

If you don’t require everything that Fylgja Base offers, you can import only the parts you need. For example, the preflight module provides a solid foundation for typography but excludes styles for forms, buttons, and the HTML dialog element.


You can install Fylgja Base via npm or other Node-based package managers like pnpm or bun:

npm install @fylgja/base

Alternatively, you can use it directly via a CDN:

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fylgja/base/index.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


Once installed, you can import the full package with:

@import "@fylgja/base";

Alternatively, if you only need specific parts of the base, you can import them individually:

Import PathDescription
@fylgja/base/preflightGlobal defaults, typography and table defaults
@fylgja/base/preflight-scopedGlobal defaults, scoped typography and table defaults
@fylgja/base/btnHTML Button styles + .btn class for links
@fylgja/base/btn-class-onlyJust the .btn class for adding btn styles
@fylgja/base/btn-class-lessJust the HTML Button styles
@fylgja/base/formComprehensive form styles
@fylgja/base/dialogDialog styles, including support for popovers

Theme Styles

Fylgja Base provides a clean foundation, intentionally excluding brand colors and extra styling by default.

To apply a pre-defined theme, import it separately:

@import "@fylgja/base/theme";

For theme customization, copy the styles to your project:

npx @fylgja/base

This command will add the theme styles to src/css, src/styles, or src/assets (if present), or the current directory if no folder is found.

Beyond brand colors, the theme includes styles for dark mode, view transitions, primary buttons, and off-canvas dialog support.