Autocomplete in your editor

Fylgja is a CSS framework that makes it easy to create beautiful and responsive websites. But it can be even easier to use Fylgja if you have autocomplete in your editor.

Here are a few tips to get autocomplete working in your favorite editor:

We use VSCode mainly for our own coding, but if you have tips for other editors please share your tips, by creating a pull request on

CSS Variable Autocompletion (VSCode)

This extension adds autocompletion for CSS variables.

Install the extension phoenisx.cssvar, and configure your editor to allow autocompletion from the node modules folder;

// .vscode/settings.json
  "cssvar.files": [
    // Your styles folder
  // Do not ignore node_modules css files, which is ignored by default
  "cssvar.ignore": []

Or use the specific Fylgja component path.

For more config options see the extension docs.

SCSS IntelliSense (VSCode)

This extension adds IntelliSense for SCSS with;

  • Full support for @use and @forward, including aliases, prefixes and hiding.
  • Rich documentation through SassDoc.
  • Suggestions and hover info for built-in Sass modules, when used with @use.

Install the extension somewhatstationery.some-sass, and configure your editor to allow IntelliSense from the node modules folder;

// .vscode/settings.json
  "somesass.scannerExclude": [".git/**", "./node_modules/**!(@fylgja)"],
  // Recommended if you don't rely on @import
  "somesass.suggestFromUseOnly": true

For more config options see the extension docs.

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