
Looking for a single download and import for your project, just as with any CSS Framework, look no futher down here.
If not, we recommend you checkout the Fylgja components page. Or if you have questions, please checkout the guides for more help.

Get Fylgja as SCSS libary

A single .scss file that includes all of Fylgja.
Or as collection of .scss files.

Install the NPM package

All of Fylgja is available through one NPM package:

npm install fylgja sass

And include all of Fylgja in your SCSS;

@use "fylgja";

Get Fylgja as PostCSS libary

A single .css file that includes all of Fylgja.
Or as collection of .css files.

Install the NPM package

All of Fylgja is available through one NPM package:

npm install fylgja postcss postcss-cli postcss-import

And include all of Fylgja in your CSS, with PostCSS Import;

@import "fylgja";

Other download options

Download the latest Fylgja Github release

You can get the latest Fylgja release as a tar.gz or zip from GitHub:

Download the latest Fylgja version

Clone the Fylgja GitHub repository in your project

Clone the repo to your own project and import it via Sass:

git clone

Or by using the GitHub CLI

Get all of Fylgja as CSS trough a CDN

You can import the CSS file directly from jsDelivr, unpkg and more:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">