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Helper component for adding theme specific variables to multiple Fylgja Components.


npm install @fylgja/theme

Then include the component in to your code via;

@use "@fylgja/theme";

How to use

This component does not create any CSS.

And only contains shared SCSS variables for Fylgja components, that have theme specific styles.

You can use this component to quickly override the specific styles, to set any base colors or spacing, with;

@use "@fylgja/theme" with (
    $color-theme: #00897b,
    $color-on-theme: #fff

instead of the default the theme color is now a teal color.

Also the Fylgja component is easier for reusing this in your own components, by importing the @fylgja/theme or use it directly in your styles via;

@use "@fylgja/theme";

.label {
    background-color: theme.$color-theme;
    color: theme.$color-on-theme;

You can also use it without the prefix if you want via * selector


This mixin is specific for Fylgja's build progress, and is used to create the Sass @layer variants for each component.

You can use this, if you need something with the same logic, or for a Fylgja Add-On component.

@use "@fylgja/theme";

@include theme.atLayer($name) {
  // Your CSS here


The following variables are available.

$color-scheme: light !default;
$root-font-size: null !default;
$root-bg: if($color-scheme == dark, #000, #fff) !default;
$root-fg: if($color-scheme == dark, #fff, #000) !default;

$color-text: color.change($root-fg, $alpha: 0.87) !default;
$color-text-alt: color.change($root-fg, $alpha: 0.68) !default;
$color-text-muted: color.change($root-fg, $alpha: 0.56) !default;

// Color pallet
$color-theme: #1565c1 !default;
$color-theme-fade: color.change($color-theme, $alpha: 0.2) !default;
$color-on-theme: #fff !default;

$color-error: #b00020 !default;
$color-warning: #ffab40 !default;
$color-success: #00e676 !default;

$base-spacing: 1em !default;
$item-spacer: 0 0 $base-spacing !default; // Legacy support

// For any thing like forms and buttons
$action-padding-block: 0.375em !default;
$action-padding-inline: 0.625em !default;
$action-padding: $action-padding-block $action-padding-inline;
$action-border-width: 1px !default;
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