
Table of Contents

The input group extends upon the @fylgja/form,

by providing a wrapper that allows for more complex form field styles,

like a search bar with button in the same form field.


npm install @fylgja/input-group

Then include the component in to your code via;

@use "@fylgja/input-group";
// Or via PostCSS import
@import "@fylgja/input-group";


By default the form style is set to our default style.

To use the field or box style. Change the variable $input-group-style. To one of the options, via;

@use "index" with ($input-group-style: box);

Or if you are a importing this as plain CSS in PostCSS or any other option. Import the style directly via;

@import "@fylgja/input-group/field.css";
/* Or */
@import "@fylgja/input-group/box.css";

For versions older than v1.2 use style-{field|box}.css

@layer support

If you need support for @layer, use the following import;

@use "@fylgja/input-group" with ($input-group-layer: "components");
// Or via PostCSS and other options as native CSS
@import "@fylgja/input-group" layer(components);

How to use

The input group allows you to build simple things, like a search form with a submit button in the same form field.

<div class="input-group">
<input type="search" name="search" />
<button class="btn -icon">
<span class="aria-only">Search</span>
<svg width="24" height="24" fill="currentcolor"><use href="/images/sprite.svg#search"/></svg>

To more complex things.

The main focus is that you have the freedom to add anything, so down here are all the classes that you have to your disposal.

Input group

The main component and required for this component to do anything. Simply create a wrapper element with this class and everything is a input child.

Input extra & Input icon

The child components for just rendering child form elements, text or an icon.

The .input-extra can act as many things. But its main focus is the flex-shrink style. So this element will fit nicely next to the main form element.

The .input-extra can also be used for custom elements, like Checkboxes.

The .input-icon is the same. Except one thing. It will also receive the focus color when any form element has focus.


The @fylgja/input-group inherits all of its variable values, from the @fylgja/form component.

So for what each variable you can do. See the the doc from the @fylgja/form component.

Or override it directly. Via the variables found down here;

$input-group-style: default !default;
$input-group-styles: (
    field: (
        padding: 0.375em 1px,
        border-width: 0 0 1px,
        border-style: solid,
        border-color: currentcolor,
        radius: 0,
        shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 $form-focus-color,
        bg: transparent,
        color: inherit,
        file-btn-padding: 0.375em 0.625em,
        file-btn-radius: 3px 3px 0 0
    box: (
        padding: 0.375em 0.625em,
        border-width: 0 0 1px,
        border-style: solid,
        border-color: currentcolor,
        radius: 4px 4px 0 0,
        shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 $form-focus-color,
        bg: if($root-fg == #000, #eee, #222),
        color: inherit,
        file-btn-padding: 0.375em 0.625em,
        file-btn-radius: 4px 4px 0 0
) !default;
$input-group-styles: map.merge($input-group-styles, $form-styles);

$input-group-border-width: $form-border-width !default;
$input-group-border-style: $form-border-style !default;
$input-group-border-color: var(--form-stroke, #{$form-border-color}) !default;
$input-group-radius: var(--form-radius, #{$form-radius}) !default;
$input-group-bg: var(--form-bg, #{$form-bg}) !default;
$input-group-color: var(--form-color, #{$form-color}) !default;
$input-group-focus-color: $form-focus-color !default;
$input-group-focus-style: $form-focus-style !default;
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